Check Out These Great Videos!
Check Out These Great Videos!
BEAR ATTACK! Spicy Lime Honey Glazed Porkchops
BEAR ATTACK! Spicy Lime Honey Glazed Porkchops
A delicious recipe and entertaining videos from the great guys at LateChow
Have a laugh while you cook some yummy pork chops
I still watch this video just for a laugh sometimes, and the chops are seriously good!
Perfect combination of sweet and spicy, great for the whole family.
Click the link below to check out the whole video from LateChow

Ginger Honey Coconut Shrimp
Ginger Honey Coconut Shrimp
Another great recipe from Marc & Mandy
Sure to make your mouth water (I know mine is)
The sweet yet tangy taste of our Ginger Honey is the perfect combination for this yummy recipe.
Click the link below for the full magazine featuring this recipe with Marc & Mandy
(page. 98, and check out our ad on page. 50-51)

2020 Trendsetters: KB Honey
2020 Trendsetters: KB Honey
In 2020 we had the honour of being named as one of the Top Trendsetters for Canada.
Watch this video to see us chat about who we are, what we do and some words from our resident Honey Gal, Chelsea Thomsen (who was also named one of Canada's Top Trendsetters for 2020)
Click the link below to watch the full video featured on the Marc & Mandy Show

Hall of Fame Inductee
Hall of Fame Inductee
In 2020 we had the proud honor of being inducted into the BC Food & Beverage
Hall of Fame!
This was an incredible achievement for our small buzzing family bizz.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us and helped us reach this goal.
Shout out to all our staff members, partnered beekeepers, and the owners who all work so hard and have been incredibly instrumental in helping us maintain our quality and strive for greatness.
We could not have done this without all of you.
Like our slogan says:
"No Matter the Name, QUALITY is the Same"
- from the KB Honey Family
Watch the video below from the BCFB showcasing this exciting moment for us.
(skip to 21 minutes and 40 seconds to get right to the award)

Thank You Surrey Campaign
Thank You Surrey Campaign
2020 and 2021 have been challenging years for all of us in many different ways.
We partnered with the Surrey Board of Trade to send a Thank You out to the Surrey community for supporting us and explain how we are all linked.
Buying local is so much more than just buying from a local store.
Watch as our resident Honey Gal, Chelsea Thomsen explain the domino effect of truly supporting local.
Thank you Surrey, and ALL of our customers for your continued support in our family bizz.