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Kidd Bros
Canada's Oldest Honey Brand
Kidd Bros
Canada's Oldest Honey Brand

Kidd Bros Honey (KB Honey) started in Kitsilano, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1884 and has been family owned and operated ever since.
It is Canada's oldest honey brand and the start of the KB Honey Family.
Since 1884, Kidd Bros has become a staple name in many households throughout the Lower Mainland in BC, providing families with pure, raw, unpasteurized honey from a brand they can trust. In 1964 KB moved the warehouses to Grimmer St in Burnaby where the brand name grew even more and expanded past the Vancouver region into the rest of the Lower Mainland. Then in 2012 KB moved to Cloverdale where the brand flourished, gaining international recognition.
We still remain in Cloverdale to this day.
The KB Brand has been built off integrity, quality, sustainability, and clean practices. Policies we proudly follow to this day.
Queen Bee
Canada's Second Oldest Honey Brand
Queen Bee
Canada's Second Oldest Honey Brand
Queen Bee started in 1932 as a division of Kidd Bros, and remains a division of the KB Honey Family to this day. Originally the Queen Bee brand was created for selling Royal Jelly and Pollen, however, it has now expanded to a much larger variety and has truly become our elite line of products.
Since the 1970's the brand has not had much movement. This sparked a complete revamp of the line in 2017. Everything from the logo, packaging design and items offered under this label have been redone. Our new look is aimed to be a high end style with quality health ingredients. Hence why we refer to our Queen Bee line as our "Elite Line." We have created a unique and tasty variety of health products such as our famous Ginger BOOST, world famous Bee Complete, Collagen Honey, Swallows Nest Honey, and so much more. Queen Bee is quickly growing to become a well known brand name throughout Canada and the world, with shipments already sent overseas to several countries.
Western Sage Honey
The Newest KB Honey Family Member
Western Sage Honey
The Newest KB Honey Family Member
Western Sage Honey is the baby of the KB Honey Family.
Starting in only 2007 with two products at the time, the Western Sage line of products has quickly expanded into over a dozen fun flavours the entire family will enjoy.
Now we get asked all the time "why is it called Western Sage when it is NOT Sage honey??" Well here is the story behind the name.
Back in 2007 the owners and their daughter decided they wanted to open a western apparel store in Burnaby beside the KB Honey warehouse. They were going to sell things like raw hide rugs, wooden piggy banks, western styled belts, and the main attraction, sage bonsai trees. The Sage bonsai trees are what inspired the name Western Sage. Making these beautiful bonsai trees was a hobby passion of Diane's (owner of the KB Honey Family). Since her and her family already owned KB Honey, they figured why not sell honey at the new store as well! This is the moment Glacier Honey was born, creamed delicious honey that is light in colour and creamy in texture. After this Diane decided to play with the honey a bit and recreate her mother's Cinnamon Honey recipe she remembered from childhood. This became the now famous Cinnamon in Honey by Western Sage.
As the store launch date came closer and closer orders from stores for the Glacier Honey and Cinnamon in Honey grew and grew. In fact, demand for these two products alone became so big the store was never able to open on its launch date. Instead the Western Sage store shut down and the new Western Sage Honey line was born. Soon after the creation of more flavours emerged and continued to gain recognition for the Western Sage brand.
Now the flavours range from the traditional Cinnamon in Honey and Glacier to the delectable Lemon Honey, Raspberry Honey, Maple Honey and more. Check out all of these yummy flavours today!